May Squad Builder Draw Winners

Joy Pierce won the special prize in our May Squad Builder draw: a Citizen Lounge season ticket worth £375! Joy’s win includes access to Twerton Park’s Executive Lounge on match days, with pay bar and free tea and coffee.

A delighted Joy comments, “I joined the Squad Builder because I like watching the games and want to help to put the best team possible on the pitch.”

City preparing for new campaign

As City prepare for the new campaign, our Squad Builder fund will provide a vital additional resource to the Club. Please consider contributing – it’s a great way to help the Romans build the strongest possible squad, and you’ll be in with a chance of winning one of 4 exciting prizes each month!

Sign up to City Squad Builder now to be included in the June draw

The May Bath City Squad Builder prize winners are:

  • Citizen Lounge Season Ticket – Joy Pierce
  • Signed ball – Christopher White
  • Match tickets for 4 – Ben McCormack
  • Hospitality for 2 – David Courtney

Winner of the match Hospitality for 2, David Courtney, is moving to Scotland so will be unable to take up his prize, however he has kindly donated it back to the Club. David says, “I joined the City Squad Builder because it is a great way to be part of the Club and to directly contribute to the team – winning a prize is a fun bonus.”

Sit on the bench in a friendly, in our June Squad Builder draw

The prizes for the June draw will be:

  • Sit on the bench at a friendly
  • Signed ball
  • Match tickets for 4
  • Hospitality for 2

The lucky winner of the special prize in this month’s Squad Builder draw will enjoy a seat on the bench alongside Jerry and his team for a pre-season friendly match, so don’t delay, get on board with Squad Builder now!

Sign up to City Squad Builder now for the chance to win a seat on the bench, in the June draw

NOTE: All prizes as stated, with no substitutions or cash alternatives. Unless otherwise advised, all winners’ names will appear on official Club communications.