Freestyle Champion inspires Youth Players

The sun was shining last week when Bath City Youth welcomed Irish Freestyle champion Sam Madden to Odd Down playing fields to showcase his incredible ball skills.

Starting the session off with some impressive moves (that he somehow made look easy!), Sam then patiently broke the moves down into smaller steps for the youth players to try out for themselves and offered tips on how to perfect some of his tricks.

At the end of the session, the youth players also had the chance to get footballs signed and get selfies with the 3 x champion pro football freestyler.

Andy Laker, coach at Bath City Youth who organised the event, was delighted with how it went. “Sam was really impressed with the kids and thought they were a great bunch. It also made me happy to hear how inspired the kids were – with one parent declaring she had not seen her daughter since they got home as she was in the garden practising!”

Andy has hopes that Sam will return in the future to run another session. Lucky kids!