Christmas Message from Nick Bolfeld

Everyone at the Club, and well beyond, are absolutely delighted to see and hear the good progress that Alex Fletcher is making after his terrible injury.  This is definitely the best Christmas present any of us could have asked for and we hope his recovery continues apace.  We are very much looking forward to seeing Alex, his fiancé Ellie, and his family back today.

At times like this everything is put into perspective and the support Alex received from our own supporters, the wider football community and far beyond was wonderful to see, and football was really shown at its best with everyone chipping in and offering support, help and their best wishes.  Some of the videos, photos and messages were simply amazing to see and read.

I’ve really enjoyed watching the team this season as the skill levels are so high.  Despite some narrow losses when we appeared on top in games, I’m confident we will kick on and start to dominate more and climb further up the league.  Tuesday night’s dramatic Trophy victory over the holders Bromley points to how well we can perform against the best. I think the team and squad are well balanced, with a great attitude and good character, and hopefully we’ll avoid so many frustrating injuries in the second half of the season.

Off the pitch and around Twerton we continue to help the less advantaged, especially through the Bath City FC Foundation doing great work in the community, with children, younger people and more.  The Foundation goes from strength to strength and with James Carlin now on board as CEO I’m sure we will see further progress and development.

The redevelopment project is still making slow progress behind the scenes, with genuine interest from potential partners who want to help us improve our facilities and make a positive change for Twerton. I hope we will be able to give more information in a couple of months, as I appreciate it is frustrating for those not close to the project.

As ever, a big “thank you” to all our volunteers and the team of people who keep the Club going throughout the year, we do all appreciate your help and commitment and we would not be able to run this great community Club without you.

Let’s really get behind the team again today and cheer them loudly on, enjoy the game and have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Nick Blofeld